National Ideas
Defensiveness +0.20%
Administrative Efficiency +0.15%
Movement Speed +0.10%
A Great New Power
Merchants +2
Diplomatic Reputation +1
Mountain Protection
Claim Duration +0.10%
Alp Culture
Culture Conversion Speed +0.10%
True Faith Tolerance +1
Disciplined Army
Yearly Army Professionalism +0.07%
Tax Reforms
Global Tax Modifier +0.03%
War Taxes Cost Modifier -0.20%
Purge The Corrupt
Yearly Corruption -0.20%
Legacy of Alpland
Prestige +0.30%
Prestige Decay +0.01%
National Ability
Tough Terrain Castles
Infantry Power +0.10%
Country TAG
Formation Guide
Yellow provinces are required to be owned and cored
Red province is the capital